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Thursday, April 26, 2012

22 Weeks

Im now over 22 weeks along in my pregnancy and things are going really well! Other than some achiness and soreness in my pelvis (I've always had that discomfort during my pregnancies, I think because Im so short), I feel great! I had my gender sonogram today with my doctor and it was confirmed that we are indeed still having a boy! He looked great and had grown quite a bit since our last ultrasound. He really looked perfect in every way and I was so grateful to get a good report!!I have been experiencing some braxton hicks and discussed that with my doctor some. Obviously, with subsequent pregnancies, those feelings show up much more quickly and can be completely normal. Since I have had preterm labor, I know the things to watch for and be careful of. So far though-everything looks to be completely fine! Here are a few highlights:

Due date: August 28th, 2012

Gender: A boy

Name: Easton James Crouse

Weight gain: I am so pleased to announce that I have only gained 5 pounds so far!! However, my appetite has begun to increase lately so that could (and probably will) quickly change! I am doing so much better than I ever did with the girls though!

Movement: He has been very active lately! Not only can Jaime feel him move now, but we can also see my belly shake when he does a good kick. It's always so fun to watch!

Craving/Aversions: I don't typically crave anything "fast food" and I really try to stay way from really fatty food. I crave fruits and veggies alot.

Our surprise baby has so far been a complete joy and I am loving being pregnant! I pray that things continue to go well and we coast through with flying colors and ultimately end this pregnancy with a pleasant delivery and healthy baby boy! Can not wait!!

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