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Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Dance Update

Last week, Brooklyn received this huge ball of pink fabric....AKA her recital costume!

This week, was a school holiday for Jaime and Madison, so they got to tag along with us! It was fun to see all the dads and big kids there, that are usually at work or school.

My Sweet Lil' Man

I am continually grateful for the sweet surprise that The Lord blessed us with in our Easton! His pregnancy was quite the shock but I loved every moment of those 37 weeks! Favorite pregnancy, by far!! And I've enjoyed the past 2 1/2 years of having a little blue mixed into our equally as fun, world of pink! Having a boy brings such new experiences and it's SO much fun!

I love you, buddy!

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Haylee-7 months

In celebration of turning 7 months, you decided to test positive for the flu! :( We were shocked. Yet; true to form, our sweet attention-seeking Haylee was our first (and only child thus far) to get the yucky virus. Ha.....way to go, sister! In all seriousness, I was very afraid when I heard the news. But you handled it like a champ! You felt crummy but with the help of tamiflu, alternating fever meds every two hours AND lots of love-you beat it! 

At 7 months, you:

-wear mostly 9 month clothes
-size 3 diapers
-have been a great sleeper but getting the flu messed with your schedule a little
-eat 3 meals a day along with still nursing
-started puffs snacks
-working on sitting up unassisted but still need a little more time
-not even attempting to get up on your knees yet so I don't think crawling is soon 

Sinus Surgery

On Monday January 5th, I had my much needed sinus surgery. For most of my life, I've struggled with allergies/sinus headaches/chronic infections. Over the past few years, I've lost the majority of my sense of smell and been experiencing a lot of discomfort in certain sinus cavities. A recent CT scan showed all of my passageways to be pinched and cavities to be diseased. During my 3 hour surgery, the ENT also discovered polyps that needed to be removed. Healing has been hard but my family has taken great care of me!

Christmas 2014

As always, Christmas was great. We had some hit-and-miss sickness around but mostly we were all healthy and enjoyed our holiday! After Christmas, Uncle Monkey, Aunt Traci and Andrew drove from Wisconsin to visit. Jaime and I also celebrated our 8th wedding anniversary on December 30th!!

Friday, January 2, 2015

December phone pictures

The Cat in the Hat

Back before Christmas break, Maddie was chosen for something very exciting! She was allowed to bring home her classroom's Dr. Seuss cat for a weekend. Her assignment was to write a journal entry on their adventures! That weekend, she: took him to eat at Chilis, shopped at toys r us, played with her siblings, and took him to her Sunday school class Christmas party! She wrote a great entry to wrap up her weekend and we even included a few pictures for added fun!