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Tuesday, December 29, 2015

My Three Princesses

For Christmas, one of the gifts Maddie and Brooklyn received from Santa was a new dress-up outfit. Maddie got Snow White and Brooklyn got Cinderella! Today, they both came running into the living room with a Princess Sophia outfit that they already had, begging me to put it on Haylee. It was one of their smaller outfits and they felt like it would fit her best! They really wanted her to be a princess with them! So we put her in it and took a few pictures! They all looked SO beautiful! Love my girls!

Thursday, December 3, 2015

My First Deer

A few days ago, I was able to shoot and kill my first deer! It was only a year ago that I even shot a gun for the first time so I've come a long way! I'm pleased with the knowledge that I've gained on gun safety and my aim has improved a lot. I would have never considered my self a "country" girl and there's still lots of things I WONT do...but I am having fun shooting! :)