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Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Haylee Grace-19 months

At 19 months, you:

-wear 24 month clothing and a size 5 shoe. You have wide feet like your daddy! We can't put you in lace-ups, only velcro.
-you are teething like crazy and your gums often bleed. This has really disrupted your sleeping at night. I'm praying that when all your teeth come in, sleeping will resume! 
-you have worked your way out of a morning nap but can sleep for at least 3 hours in the afternoon!
-still a great eater! We've discovered just a few things that you've recently spit out, but for the most part, you LOVE to eat! 
-therapy continues to be great for you. Most recently, you've started standing up in the middle of the room, all on your own. You'll hold that position for a while and will even try to take a step before falling down! You walk around great while holding our hand too and we are all excited to see you become a full blown walker!!! It should be soon! 
-you are going to be evaluated for speech therapy soon but have really started to babble a lot lately
-Dr Hunter said we could stop patch therapy for now. You'll have another follow-up in 6 months!
-you have a strong personality! When we ask you a question, you shake your head no and then laugh at us! You are a smart girl, understanding a lot, and you definitely know what you want, when you want it. I think you have the temperament of a first born child instead of the baby! ;)

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Christmas Dance Show-Off

Oh, my sweet Brooklyn.... You. Are. A. Performer! I'm really not sure there is a shy bone in your body.... 
At this year's dance show-off, you were quick to shake your hips every chance you got and holler out every answer you could. Daddy and I could only cover our faces and giggle! I'm not sure what we will do with you when you are older but I'm pretty sure we'll have our hands full!

Christmas 2015

As always, Christmas was wonderful! Christmas Eve was filled with games, snack foods, The Nativity story and for the first time ever-Maddie got to read 'Twas the Night Before Christmas! She did a great job!

Christmas morning started about 6:30 and the kids were very patient as we passed out gifts. I love watching the kids excitedly open each present! It's my favorite thing all year!

This year, Easton's big gift from Santa was his first bike and both big girls got a tablet which they were so excited about! Haylee got several things that would be good for her therapy like puzzles and barnyard animals (play-type, things) while Jaime got hunting boots and I got some dress boots I wanted. All of us got a bunch of other things too...WAY too much to list! As always, Christmas was great! Enjoying some downtime with our kids, making memories and focusing on our Saviour's birth was what made the Season so special though! Already looking forward to what next year's holiday season will bring! :)