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Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Haylee Grace-19 months

At 19 months, you:

-wear 24 month clothing and a size 5 shoe. You have wide feet like your daddy! We can't put you in lace-ups, only velcro.
-you are teething like crazy and your gums often bleed. This has really disrupted your sleeping at night. I'm praying that when all your teeth come in, sleeping will resume! 
-you have worked your way out of a morning nap but can sleep for at least 3 hours in the afternoon!
-still a great eater! We've discovered just a few things that you've recently spit out, but for the most part, you LOVE to eat! 
-therapy continues to be great for you. Most recently, you've started standing up in the middle of the room, all on your own. You'll hold that position for a while and will even try to take a step before falling down! You walk around great while holding our hand too and we are all excited to see you become a full blown walker!!! It should be soon! 
-you are going to be evaluated for speech therapy soon but have really started to babble a lot lately
-Dr Hunter said we could stop patch therapy for now. You'll have another follow-up in 6 months!
-you have a strong personality! When we ask you a question, you shake your head no and then laugh at us! You are a smart girl, understanding a lot, and you definitely know what you want, when you want it. I think you have the temperament of a first born child instead of the baby! ;)

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