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Thursday, April 28, 2011

The greatest moment

My apologies but for some reason I am unable to do videos the "correct way" on my laptop right now. So, I did a very quick (and probably poor) job of capturing some video from my camera and placing it onto my computer. Though its not the best, it still gives you a brief idea of the moment when Brooklyn arrived into this world. Its the best and I could re-live that one moment a hundred times a day. I love it so much (especially if that silly epidural is working) and am grateful that I get to experience it as a woman (even in the moments when that silly epidural is not working)!

Here she is:

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Easter 2011

I love Easter!

What a great time to reflect on the fact that we serve a Risen King and enjoy some Spring weather and activities. Both of my girls are Spring babies so it's extra special for me and Jaime. Brooklyn is now 2 weeks old and as cute as can be and perfect in every way! She was far too young for Easter service at church though so I stayed home with her while Jaime went with big sister. With Brooklyn's birth, it was hard to put a lot of effort into Easter this year. However, I did have matching dresses made for the girls for picture purposes. Of course, they looked adorable! As for the Easter bunny, he filled Maddie's basket with some of her favorites (chocolate and jelly beans) and brought Brooklyn a soft, pink bunny! Hope your Easter was just as special as ours was!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Birth Story

Brooklyn Hope Crouse is finally here! Our sweet girl was born on Monday, April 11th @ 10:46 in the morning, weighing in at 7lbs 2oz and 18.5 inches long. Here is a little of what our day looked like:

Jaime and I woke up (though I never really slept) early that morning and headed over to ETMC while my mom stayed with Maddie. At about 6:10, we were in a room and I was hooked up to an IV. They had started the first dose of pitocin at about 6:15 and it didn't take long for my contractions to pick back up again to a more intense level. I requested my epidural and though Im not positive on the time, I believe I received it sometime around 8:30. I felt much better, except for some tightness at the top of my stomach, and was able to enjoy my visitors as they began to show up. My parents arrived around 9 with Maddie, shortly followed by my good friend Amy. We were all sitting in my room visiting when I suddenly began to feel a little uncomfortable, but only on my left side. It started out as a dull pain but quickly becamse much more than that. My nurse had me lay on my left side and pumped some extra medication into me in hopes of numbing that side again. However, it did not work. I then began shaking violently, got nauseated, and felt a ton of pressure. I told my nurse and she quickly checked me only to discover that I had rapidly jumped to 10 centimeters and wasready to push. I told my mom to get Maddie out and then layed on my left side moaning and shaking through the worst pain I have ever felt in my life. I was terrified that the only thing that was going to get rid of the pain was delivery and I knew I should not have felt that way with my epidural. However, my sweet nurse took great care of me. Not only did she call my doctor and tell her to get over to me quickly but she also called the anesthesiologist and had him run to the room as well. Thank goodness he was able to pump ome lidocaine through the port and that completely numbed me all over again. What a relief that was!

At this point, I could feel even more pressure but no pain. I knew I needed to push! Suddenly, (as I was later told) my doctor literally came running in the room and saying "I was not about to miss this delivery!" Jaime and Amy told me that she even had to catch her breath slightly!

Finally, the time had arrived and everything was set up for me to begin pushing. I don't know how long it took but it wasn't long at all before I heard my doctor tell me to look down and then I heard the most amazing cry ever! My baby girl was here and she looked perfect! She cried and cried until they layed that sweet girl on to of my stomach and she immediately stopped. For several minutes, Jaime and I just stared at this little miracle staring right back at us. It was an amazing moment! Brooklyn checked out to be completely normal in every way and I couldn't wait to show her off. I nursed her briefly and then everyone was allowed to come in and meet this little girl that we all prayed so hard for. The most special moment for me was seeing Maddie meet her little sister for the very first time!

My doctor didn't have to cut me this time but I did tear on my own. Healing has still been very painful but not quite as bad as it was with Maddie, so Im grateful for that atleast. Im praying that this next week I'll feel even more improved.

So, needless to say, the day was fast (only a little over 4 hours from beginning to end...wow!) but completely wonderful. Praise the Lord! I am so in love with my family of four and feel so blessed! Here are a few pictures of our new little one. A big THANKS to my friend Amy for filling in as the camera/video man and for sharing in a very special moment with me! I love you, friend!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Uncle Josh leaves and Brooklyn is ready to arrive!

My brother left for Navy basic training today. We had a send-off lunch for him at Chili's and said our "see ya laters". He is traveling to Shreveport tonight but will then catch a plane tomorow for Chicago. His basic training is out of Great Lakes, IL and it lasts for about 8 weeks. He will then graduate and head off to school were he will receive medical training. His plan is to be a hospital corpman. Above is a cute picture I shot of Maddie and Uncle Josh before he left! Tomorrow is another big day. Jaime and I are suppose to be at the hospital at 5:15 in the morning to start our induction. I am excited and nervous. Im praying that it is as good of a day as it was with Maddie!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Rainy Days and Mondays

Yesterday, we all woke up to a nice little storm rolling through the Tyler/Whitehouse area. Maddie was scared a few times, especially when the lights went out, but quickly got over it. Jaime and I were so grateful because we all know how much we needed some rain! By the time we ventured out to our doctor's appointment, things had slowed down drastically and we managed to stay dry. I did my usual non-stress test, which checked out fine, and then got examined again by Dr. Harris. Can you believe it...I am still at a 3 and 75% effaced. Holy smokes! At our last visit, she told us that we would begin making plans to induce and that's just what we did. Specialists in Dallas had advised her not to let me go too far past 38 weeks and this next Monday I will be 38 weeks and 2 days. So she went ahead and reserved us a spot back over at ETMC for induction! I was a little discouraged, hoping that it would be set for this week, but at most I only have 6 days left. Like I've mentioned before, I really want the controlled environment of an induction with my doctor (so I hope I make it) but it's a little sad too, because Monday is one day after my brother leaves for basic. :( Bummer! At any rate, the most important thing is to get this baby here safely (whenever that may be). Please be praying for my little family over these next few days. Our world is about to change and we can't wait, but nerves (especially for me with delivery) have started to set in again. We've waited so long for this second baby and Im just praying that the outcome to a long road is wonderful!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Baby News

Jaime and I went to the doctor again on Thursday. We had anotgher non-stress test done, which went well, and then the doctor checked me. Im still dilated to a 3 but am now more like 75% effaced. She set me up an appointment for Monday morning. As always, IF I make it to the appointment, she said we would then make a plan that day for an induction. I am praying that I actually make it because I would much rather be induced. Pitocin hurts like crazy, but at this point, I would prefer the controlled environment that it provides versus guessing if my contractions are doing enough progress for me to go back in to the hospital. Im also really keeping my fingers crossed that she suggests us doing the induction the very next day, Tuesday. My brother ships out for Navy basic training the following Sunday and I really want there to be plenty of days before he leaves, for him to spend some time with his newest niece. So, keep your fingers crossed that after all the chaos, we can actually salvage a smooth and great ending!