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Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Rainy Days and Mondays

Yesterday, we all woke up to a nice little storm rolling through the Tyler/Whitehouse area. Maddie was scared a few times, especially when the lights went out, but quickly got over it. Jaime and I were so grateful because we all know how much we needed some rain! By the time we ventured out to our doctor's appointment, things had slowed down drastically and we managed to stay dry. I did my usual non-stress test, which checked out fine, and then got examined again by Dr. Harris. Can you believe it...I am still at a 3 and 75% effaced. Holy smokes! At our last visit, she told us that we would begin making plans to induce and that's just what we did. Specialists in Dallas had advised her not to let me go too far past 38 weeks and this next Monday I will be 38 weeks and 2 days. So she went ahead and reserved us a spot back over at ETMC for induction! I was a little discouraged, hoping that it would be set for this week, but at most I only have 6 days left. Like I've mentioned before, I really want the controlled environment of an induction with my doctor (so I hope I make it) but it's a little sad too, because Monday is one day after my brother leaves for basic. :( Bummer! At any rate, the most important thing is to get this baby here safely (whenever that may be). Please be praying for my little family over these next few days. Our world is about to change and we can't wait, but nerves (especially for me with delivery) have started to set in again. We've waited so long for this second baby and Im just praying that the outcome to a long road is wonderful!

1 comment:

Windy Smith said...

I can't wait to come take pictures of you beautiful baby girl!