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Friday, April 1, 2011

Baby News

Jaime and I went to the doctor again on Thursday. We had anotgher non-stress test done, which went well, and then the doctor checked me. Im still dilated to a 3 but am now more like 75% effaced. She set me up an appointment for Monday morning. As always, IF I make it to the appointment, she said we would then make a plan that day for an induction. I am praying that I actually make it because I would much rather be induced. Pitocin hurts like crazy, but at this point, I would prefer the controlled environment that it provides versus guessing if my contractions are doing enough progress for me to go back in to the hospital. Im also really keeping my fingers crossed that she suggests us doing the induction the very next day, Tuesday. My brother ships out for Navy basic training the following Sunday and I really want there to be plenty of days before he leaves, for him to spend some time with his newest niece. So, keep your fingers crossed that after all the chaos, we can actually salvage a smooth and great ending!

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