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Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Snow Babies

Monday, WISD started school at 10, only to be released at noon due to weather. Luckily, I kept Maddie home all day and we enjoyed our day together drinking hot chocolate and watching Netflix movies! Yesterday, they had a delayed start again but made it all day. Today, we got the call early that school was completely cancelled due to the snow!! Maddie was thrilled and daddy got to stay home too! We've all enjoyed playing outside and making sweet memories with the kids! Haylee Grace doesn't know much or care, but this is her first snow which is always special to me as a mom!

Phone Pictures, February 2015

As the mother to three girls, I'm ashamed to say that I'm not very good in the braids department. My cousin is always the one to fix Maddie and Brooklyn's hair. She's been teaching me though and I'm slowly starting to learn. It's not perfect but I'm really excited!

The girls wore their western shirts!

A few randoms

Monday, February 16, 2015

T-ball Tryouts

This past Saturday, Jaime took Maddie out to t-ball tryouts while the littles napped at home with me! So proud of my athletic girl.....her daddy said she did great! I'm extremely excited to go watch her games and cheer her on! I truly believe that she will go far with sports and I'm grateful for the lessons, being a part of a team, can provide. Let's play ball!!

Valentine's Weekend

Maddie had her party at school on Friday! I couldn't go because of a doctor's appointment but I caught a cute picture before she left that morning! I know she had a great time!

Saturday morning, we gave the kids a small gift from us.....new coloring books, chocolate and baby snacks for Haylee Grace. Daddy picked up donuts for breakfast and Maddie gave us a heart she made at school.

Saturday evening, my dad had offered to grill for the whole family so we went out to the land and had a great time! We don't usually do a lot on February 14th. Honestly, I think people overspend and try way too hard. I enjoy the little things.....homemade gifts from my kids and time alone with Jaime. Grateful that we got to do those things this weekend!

Friday, February 6, 2015

Heart Breakers

I have such talented cousins! And since I have given birth to four beautiful babies, I get to reap the benefits of their talents quite often! How cute are my little heart breakers?!


I decided to hot roll the girl's hair recently. Maddie's held a curl much better than Brooklyn's, but they both looked so cute and really enjoyed it!