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Thursday, April 28, 2016

Kindergarten Registration

My sweet Brooklyn Hope is growing up too quickly and I'm not sure my heart is prepared for all the changes coming my way. This week, I registered my precious, mama's girl for KINDERGARTEN! Can not believe it's finally here! She was beyond excited, and I was excited for her; but my mommy heart is struggling with my rainbow baby growing up. She was such a light that came into our family, after so many miscarriages, and I've cherished each moment with her. I miss her being a little baby and I often wished I could rewind time with her! She's been attached to me from the moment she was born and I've loved it; which makes her starting school all that more emotional for me. :( She's my sweet, little buddy and I'm going to miss our time together next year. But I'm also looking forward to hearing all about her new adventures! I'm her biggest fan and love her to pieces! :)

Mommy/Son Date

On Tuesday, Easton and I went out for a mommy/son date-night! He dressed up nice & daddy even put some cologne on him. Then he went out and picked me some flowers to meet me at the door with! :) We went to eat at Juls and he was very well behaved for a three year old little boy! I SO enjoyed my time with just him and can't wait to do it again!

Last class and Dress rehearsal

Last week was our final practice at the studio. Brooklyn got her 2nd year ribbon and a quick picture with her sweet teachers! They also handed out pictures!

This week was dress rehearsal at Caldwell and all the girls did great! I'm so anxious to see their final performance on Saturday!

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Brooklyn's Birthday

On April 9th, we had Brooklyn's 5th birthday party at Dance-n-Drill. I was beyond pleased with how things turned out!! Mrs. Jeanie was our hostess and the kids enjoyed play centers, getting their nails done, a scavenger hunt & the bounce house before diving into cake and presents. I would recommend a party there to anyone! The birthday girl was "all-smiles" so it was a great success!

Softball 2016

Softball is officially underway! Madz is playing machine pitch for The Mustangs this year and I'm loving watching her continue to learn the sport I love so much! She is improving with each practice/game and I think she has a lot of natural talent and skill. Plus, she really seems to enjoy it! I hope she sticks with it because I love supporting my favorite #7!

Cool, Cool Kitty Cat

Brooklyn recently had dance pictures done and she looked adorable! I love her costume this year and I'm really looking forward to their tap routine at the end of the month!

Easter 2016

Easter weekend is always special! We usually kick it off with a fun egg hunt at church and bring it to a close later in the weekend by focusing on our risen Savior! I'm so grateful, that Maddie and Brooklyn have already begun to understand the significance of this holiday and I'm praying that Easton and Haylee's eyes and hearts will be opened as well.