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Saturday, January 29, 2011

New Bathroom for the Girls

As soon as I found out that we were having another girl, I really wanted to re-do their bathroom AKA the guest bathroom. I wanted something fitting for a girl while being a theme they could grow with. I also wanted colors that would be appealing to any guest. I've recently fallen in love with zebra patterns accompanied with hot pink. I knew that's exactly what I wanted to do! I bought all the shower items at Target and then got some of the extra accesories at my all-time favorite store....Kirklands! I absolutely love how it turned out and am going to do the same colors for Maddie's 3rd birthday in March! What do you think?

Monday, January 17, 2011

Maddie/Mommy Morning!

Since Jaime got to spend some one on one time with Maddie recently, I really wanted to do the same. Maddie loves having her nails painted so I wanted to take us both for an official pedicure along with me getting a set of acrylic nails. The timing is perfect really, since painting my toe nails is getting much more difficult due to my growing belly, and I go to church with a nail tech! So, this morning, we woke up and headed over to the salon. I didn't get many pictures, but here is a little snip-it of our morning:

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Daddy-Daughter Dinner 2011

Our church put together their annual Daddy-Daughter Dinner tonight and Jaime took Maddie out for a date, just the two of them. They worked on the cake (they were all suppose to decorate a cake and bring it-NO help from mom!) all day and Maddie was excited to be able to help out. Then they got all dresssed up in pink! I put some very light make-up on Maddie's eyelide, cheeks, and lips-to make her feel extra girlie and even sprayed her with some perfume! Daddy looked nice too and I snapped a few pictures of them before I took them up to the church and dropped them off for two hours worth of fun! Jaime said they had a great time and enjoyed dinner, games and pictures. I am so grateful that my husband is such a loving and involved father! Maddie adores him, as do I, and I can't wait for the day that he gets to take both of his girls out for some daddy-daughter time!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Snow Day

Yesterday, we barely made it home from church and lunch before the bottom fell out. And this time, we were wet from SNOW!
It's no secret....Im not a huge snow fan. I think it's gorgeous when it falls and it looks good for about day, but then Im totally done with it! It was a fun day though and Maddie had a great time, which always makes me happy! Here are a few pictures from our fun yesterday, along with some shots that Maddie and Daddy took of their day at home today.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

25 weeks

Look at Brooklyn grow!

I am officially 25 weeks along now and loving being pregnant! Brooklyn moves quite a bit these days and often shakes my entire belly. It's the cutest thing! I've gained somewhere between 17-20 lbs in 6 months, which is a much slower rate than I gained with Maddie. My goal is to just
not gain as much as I did with her ( a total of 40 pounds) though it's not my number one concern in the midst of it all. I really think Im doing pretty good! Besides....you're not fat, you're pregnant....right?!?!?! My stretch marks have turned pink again (never fun) and my feet will swell some days, though not near as bad as they did with my first pregnancy. I wear small-medium maternity clothes, depending on what it is. And did I mention....I love being pregnant?!?!? Why, yes, I think I did!
Our next OB appt is Monday morning and I beg you to be continually praying for Brooklyn over these last remaining months and weeks.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Dress for the New Year

Maddie's great-grandfather picked this dress out for her Christmas gift from him. Wow, was all I could think! If you knew my grandfather, you would understand how unexpected this was. I guess he sure loves this little girl and wants her to look OH SO CUTE! And of course...she did! I absolutely love it and had her wear it to church this morning! My little girl sure is growing up!