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Monday, January 17, 2011

Maddie/Mommy Morning!

Since Jaime got to spend some one on one time with Maddie recently, I really wanted to do the same. Maddie loves having her nails painted so I wanted to take us both for an official pedicure along with me getting a set of acrylic nails. The timing is perfect really, since painting my toe nails is getting much more difficult due to my growing belly, and I go to church with a nail tech! So, this morning, we woke up and headed over to the salon. I didn't get many pictures, but here is a little snip-it of our morning:


Brenda said...

Thank you for sharing.
I really enjoy reading your blog.

Caci said...

I have had many of these days with Annalisa! Love every one of them....except they started out free when she was really little and now they cost me money! :) But I wouldn't trade the time with her for anything in the world!