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Saturday, January 15, 2011

Daddy-Daughter Dinner 2011

Our church put together their annual Daddy-Daughter Dinner tonight and Jaime took Maddie out for a date, just the two of them. They worked on the cake (they were all suppose to decorate a cake and bring it-NO help from mom!) all day and Maddie was excited to be able to help out. Then they got all dresssed up in pink! I put some very light make-up on Maddie's eyelide, cheeks, and lips-to make her feel extra girlie and even sprayed her with some perfume! Daddy looked nice too and I snapped a few pictures of them before I took them up to the church and dropped them off for two hours worth of fun! Jaime said they had a great time and enjoyed dinner, games and pictures. I am so grateful that my husband is such a loving and involved father! Maddie adores him, as do I, and I can't wait for the day that he gets to take both of his girls out for some daddy-daughter time!

1 comment:

Caci said...

So sweet! Ben and Annalisa will be having their Daddy/daughter dinner in March....I can't wait! It truly is a blessing to have a husband who loves to hang out with his little girl and be a great daddy!