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Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Sleeping Beauty



Sleeping Beauty

Miss Brooklyn could not seem to stay awake during lunch time! We've all been struggling with sickness this past week and it really shows. Twice, in two days, she drifted off to sleep at the table. It was the most precious thing!

Monday, December 3, 2012

The Polar Express

For several years now, we've always watched The Polar Express as our month long tradition of fun Christmas movies! This year, we decided to head over to Palestine and hop aboard a real train to experience it first hand. My parents and grandmother came with us and we all had a blast!

Watching the movie the night before
A few pictures before boarding the train

Arent these girls the sweetest?!

All aboard!!

After hot chocolate and a cookie, we listened to the story on our way to the North Pole

Once we arrived, none other than Santa himself, boarded the train and handed out the first gift of Christmas-a jingle bell

We then left the North Pole and sang Christmas carols the whole way back to the station

We had a great time on The Polar Express and I would recommend it to anyone with little kids!

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012

Happy 1st Thanksgiving, my precious boy!

Family Pictures

My sweet cousin took pictures of us the other day. She doesn't charge me a dime (I only pay for pictures and Christmas cards) and I think she does a pretty good job! Thanks Windy, we love you! Here are a few of my favorites from our session:

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Easton-2 months

My sweet boy,

I can hardly believe that 2 months have already passed since your birth! You are the most handsome little man and my love for you is immense. I never knew how much fun it could be to have a little boy and I am so grateful that the Lord decided to bless our home with you!

Last week, we went to see Dr. Smith for your 2 month well check. He only confirmed what we already knew...you're perfect! :) You are a healthy baby boy and you did great during your check-up. Here are the stats and a few fun facts about you these days:

-weigh 13lbs. 11oz. (90th percentile) and are 23.5 inches long (75th percentile). You continue to be my bigger baby!
-wearing 3 month clothing now and mommy (sadly) packed up all of your newborn things.
-nursing every 2-3 hours and will also take breastmilk or formula from a bottle, if need be.
-have slept through the night a few times but typically wake up once a night. Usually go "down" about 10, wake up anywhere from 2-4am to nurse and then again about 7. You sleep well during the day, usually taking a good morning, afternoon and evening nap.
-smiling (and it's so sweet) and trying to make cooing sounds.
-trying to focus on things (overhead lights, your mobile, peoples faces)
-received your shots at your most recent check-up

And of course, a post wouldn't be complete without ample CUTE pictures!

Love you sweet boy!

Friday, October 19, 2012

Brooklyn-18 months!

Happy birthday, baby girl! You are a year and half, today! Despite how much I beg and plead, time keeps marching on and you continue to grow with each passing day. Today was your well check appointment and you did very well. In the past, you've had major melt downs but today only consisted of some very mild crying and even that was brief. No shots today except for your flu shot and you walked out of the office like such a big girl! Here are some stats and other info about you:

-still my small girl weighing in at 22 lbs 9oz (10th percentile) and 30 1/2 inches tall (20th percentile). You wear 18 to 24 month clothing, just depending on what it is.
-napping only in the afternoon because we stay so busy in the morning. you sleep for about 2-3 hours.
-go to bed at 7:30pm and usually sleep till about 7am.
-teething and have been very cranky because of it.
-talking like crazy and doing much better than I ever expected you to do since you are the 2nd child! you can say (but not limited to): mommy, daddy, sister, bubba, Easty(Easton), puppy, kitty, Nana, Papaw, Mawmaw, Pawpaw, several other people's name, Maddie or Madson (with out the i sound), sleepy, snack, milk, water, juice, tuck (truck), dink (drink), etc.....
-you also can put two or three words together. some common phrases are: I sleepy, I hurt, Sister bad (haha!), Daddy work, I hungry/thirsty, 'cuse me (excuse me), knock knock, etc...
-follow commands like getting mommy a diaper, picking up a toy or going to the table for dinner
-know and repeat the sounds to puppies, kitties, cow, horse and duck
-adore your baby brother and try to copy big sister in everything she does!

Thursday, October 11, 2012


We've been busy! Once Easton turned 6 weeks old, I decided that I was finally feeling decent enough to get out and about more. We had a fun-filled week and I so enjoyed spending time with my kids, other family, and friends! Here is what our week looked like:

We started off the week with dance, as always! Maddie is loving her time over at Dance and Drill and I can already see how well she is doing when she hears instruction from someone other than mom! We ask her every week if she likes dance and her response is always the same, "No, I LOVE it!" Im so glad that she is enjoying her time there and I just love her teacher (what a sweet Christian lady she is) and love how she interacts with my little girl. This particular Monday, I had my 6 week follow-up with Dr. Harris so daddy took a half-day off from work and took all 3 kids to dance class so Maddie didn't miss! Yes, he really is that good! :)

On that Tuesday, we met my dear friend Amy at the Zoo with her two little girls. Amy and I went to college together and have really become close over the past few years. Our girls are very close in age and Amy was even in the delivery room with me when Brooklyn was born! We are creating lots of fun memories and I enjoy when we get to hang out. Our girls really seem to love it too!! The Zoo wasn't crowded at all and the two older girls enjoyed the freedom that that provided them to venture around a little without holding our hands the entire time!

Maddie and Macy

This particular day, we were lucky enough to see some animals up close and personal!

Brooklyn and Eden did great too!

Later that night, we went to the fair with my parents and a family from church!

We ended this particular week with a Friday Night Football game. We watched Chapel Hill (my alma mater and Jaime's new district) play Henderson.

The following week, the kids and I drove to Malakoff to visit another friend, Sara, who had just had her second little girl. We had such a good time talking and letting the kids play while we each held our newest little ones! I just love experiencing mommy-hood with my friends!

Easton and Bailee-5 weeks apart, followed by Brooklyn Grace-Brooklyn Hope and Maddie

This week has been full of doctor's appointments (Brooklyn turned 18 months!) and gearing up for a big garage sale! We've enjoyed the cooler temperatures with our first fire of the year but are now sad that it's begun to warm back up again. Despite that, I am so looking forward to these next few weeks and months as we head into the holidays. Can't wait to see what fun lies in store!