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Sunday, October 21, 2012

Easton-2 months

My sweet boy,

I can hardly believe that 2 months have already passed since your birth! You are the most handsome little man and my love for you is immense. I never knew how much fun it could be to have a little boy and I am so grateful that the Lord decided to bless our home with you!

Last week, we went to see Dr. Smith for your 2 month well check. He only confirmed what we already knew...you're perfect! :) You are a healthy baby boy and you did great during your check-up. Here are the stats and a few fun facts about you these days:

-weigh 13lbs. 11oz. (90th percentile) and are 23.5 inches long (75th percentile). You continue to be my bigger baby!
-wearing 3 month clothing now and mommy (sadly) packed up all of your newborn things.
-nursing every 2-3 hours and will also take breastmilk or formula from a bottle, if need be.
-have slept through the night a few times but typically wake up once a night. Usually go "down" about 10, wake up anywhere from 2-4am to nurse and then again about 7. You sleep well during the day, usually taking a good morning, afternoon and evening nap.
-smiling (and it's so sweet) and trying to make cooing sounds.
-trying to focus on things (overhead lights, your mobile, peoples faces)
-received your shots at your most recent check-up

And of course, a post wouldn't be complete without ample CUTE pictures!

Love you sweet boy!

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