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Thursday, January 31, 2013

Christmas 2012

Now that it's the end of January, I figured it was about time to write up my Christmas post and get it out of the way! The kids had a fabulous time and so did the parents! We watched movies, baked lots of goodies, read stories and played! I love the holidays with my little ones! Christmas morning was pretty rainy so we actually slept in some (Merry Christmas to mom and dad!!!) and then slowly opened presents from Santa before heading to Papaw and Nana's house for the rest of the day!

Santa showed up!

And Maddie got a big girl bike!

Easton's first Christmas

Maddie got: books, new games for her gaming system, chef outfit, lite brite, bicycle with helmet and pads, slippers, movies, clothes, a lap desk, more coloring stuff, etc...

Brooklyn got: a baby doll set, a diaper bag for her baby, back pack, Minnie Mouse outfit, lots of Minnie Mouse toys, clothes, a movie, books

Easton was pretty easy and he got: small baby toys, clothes, a book, teddy bear, football crocheted beanie and a BB gun from Nana and Papaw (to be put away till he's older)

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Baby Dedication

For Christmas, we had a baby dedication at church for Easton and my nephew Aaron. My brother and sister-in-law came down for the holidays and was fun to get the boys together for such a neat moment.  Aaron is about 3 weeks younger than Easton and has a head full of hair!

These pictures were all taken with my phone, so they aren't the best. A couple even came out blurry, but you get the idea!

I just love my little family! What a great day this was, commiting our son to the Lord in front of all our friends and family!

Easton-4 months

I'm slightly behind on my post for Easton. He'll be 5 months on the 13th of January, but with the holidays, I just lost track of time! So let me back up a little and try to catch up. Im not really sure how many faithful readers I have, but I absolutely love blogging and jotting down all the great moments in my family. So here goes!!

Easton-you continue to be such a great addition to our family! I love having you as my little boy. You are such a cute little man and your smile melts my heart. You are a very chill baby (probably since you have 2 fiesty older sisters) and take a lot of torture love from them! :) I think that you are beginning to favor Brooklyn a lot more in your facial features. Here are a few fun things about you at 4 months:

-weigh 16lbs 6oz (65th%) and are 26 inches long (79th%). You are a big, solid boy and I can tell that you will be built like your daddy. You don't have "fat rolls" but you are definetely a healthy boy!
-wear size 2 diapers and 6 month clothing.
-usually asleep between 9-10 every night and waking up at 6 or 6:30. You will often go down again after nursing and wake up for the morning at around 7:30 or 8.
-yes, you love to nurse but will take a bottle if need be, too. One thing I've notcied with the 3rd child is I don't keep track of feedings and naps as much as I use to, but you are on a good schedule that was very similar to that of your sisters. I nurse you about every 2-3 hours and now you do cereal once a day as well. At 5 months, we will add a vegetable.
-you can roll both ways but typically back to front is what you do must often. You hold your head up well and are grabbing for toys and other things you can see. You sit up well in my lap and I think you may sit up by yourself at about the same time as the girls. We'll see as the time goes on!
-you spit up a lot and we have medicine for your reflux. Lately, it seems like you are doing better though and so I only give it to you if you act like it's hurting you.
-not much of a paci baby but suck on your fingers and thumb a lot
-easy to get to sleep. We simply cover you with a banket and rock you with a paci. You are usually passed out within about 5 minutes, if that long!

Here are a few pictures of you recently:

4 month well-check with Dr. Smith

Rolled over to your tummy

Trying out some cereal

Baby's 1st Christmas

Listening to daddy read the Christmas story