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Friday, September 18, 2015

Dance-Week 2

Another week of dance is in the books! My sweet Brooklyn is totally in her element once again and I love seeing her prance around! My girlie-girl! 


We've had some nice mornings lately so the kids and I have tried to take advantage of it! This past week, my mom and I, took the younger three kids to the park one morning. We were the only ones there and enjoyed two whole hours watching the kids play. It was a beautiful day and we all had so much fun! 

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Dance-Day 1

Brooklyn's second year of dance started back on Thursday, September 10th. We are in the same class as her sweet friend, Eden, again; so I'll be enjoying my guaranteed weekly time with my friend Amy, too! :) 
Brooklyn was up and ready to go first thing. She was so excited! I'm looking forward to watching my tiny dancer perform again this year!

Pine Cone Feeder

The kids found a bunch of pine cones outside the other day so they decided to make bird feeders out of them! They had a great (and messy) time! Yesterday, a cardinal was eating off of one of their feeders! They were so excited!

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Cowboys Game

A few weeks ago, Jaime won a hole-in-one contest at a men's conference at church. Part of his reward was Dallas Cowboys tickets. This past Thursday we went to Dallas and watched them play in a pre-season game against the Houston Texans. We had GREAT seats in the end zone since the tickets came from a season ticket holder at church. It was awesome & it was a nice treat to get away, just the two of us!