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Tuesday, September 1, 2015

3 Year WC

I took Easton in for his 3 year check-up today & he did great! He weighed 35 pounds, 90th%, and was 95th% for height. Dr. Smith told us that he will probably he over 6ft when he grows up; just like daddy! :) 

You are a growing boy & a healthy eater. I can't imagine what the teenage years will look like when it comes to our grocery bill!! You love milk, juice, water, french fries, tacos, spaghetti, turkey wraps, rice and beans, apples, grapes & macaroni. 

We are potty training and you are doing great! You were pull-ups only when you sleep. Otherwise, you are in big boy underwear and we are even good enough to leave the house in them. Huge accomplishment!

Your speech is coming along! Still some mumble, but you've progressed a lot. Boys are just different than girls! Recently, along with new words, you are joining some together. You will say "dank ooo so much" or "love ooo so much". You've also started saying "where are ooo" when you are looking for us.

I LOVE your imagination right now! You can entertain yourself for hours but also enjoy when we join in and play. Our favorite things to do are: cars or superheroes. You love the Avengers and typically walk around thinking you are Ironman! You can see the wheels turning in your little head and I just love it!

You are rough, but have such a tender side as well. We love your kisses and seeing your compassion towards people. You give babies kisses and run to hug people! You are a sweet, sweet boy and I'm so glad you belong to us!

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