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Monday, February 16, 2015

Valentine's Weekend

Maddie had her party at school on Friday! I couldn't go because of a doctor's appointment but I caught a cute picture before she left that morning! I know she had a great time!

Saturday morning, we gave the kids a small gift from us.....new coloring books, chocolate and baby snacks for Haylee Grace. Daddy picked up donuts for breakfast and Maddie gave us a heart she made at school.

Saturday evening, my dad had offered to grill for the whole family so we went out to the land and had a great time! We don't usually do a lot on February 14th. Honestly, I think people overspend and try way too hard. I enjoy the little things.....homemade gifts from my kids and time alone with Jaime. Grateful that we got to do those things this weekend!

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