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Thursday, April 28, 2011

The greatest moment

My apologies but for some reason I am unable to do videos the "correct way" on my laptop right now. So, I did a very quick (and probably poor) job of capturing some video from my camera and placing it onto my computer. Though its not the best, it still gives you a brief idea of the moment when Brooklyn arrived into this world. Its the best and I could re-live that one moment a hundred times a day. I love it so much (especially if that silly epidural is working) and am grateful that I get to experience it as a woman (even in the moments when that silly epidural is not working)!

Here she is:


Windy Smith said...

love it! thanks for sharing =)

Caci said...

That is so wonderful!! Brooklyn will also love to watch it over and over when she gets a little older! You are so very blessed!