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Sunday, April 10, 2011

Uncle Josh leaves and Brooklyn is ready to arrive!

My brother left for Navy basic training today. We had a send-off lunch for him at Chili's and said our "see ya laters". He is traveling to Shreveport tonight but will then catch a plane tomorow for Chicago. His basic training is out of Great Lakes, IL and it lasts for about 8 weeks. He will then graduate and head off to school were he will receive medical training. His plan is to be a hospital corpman. Above is a cute picture I shot of Maddie and Uncle Josh before he left! Tomorrow is another big day. Jaime and I are suppose to be at the hospital at 5:15 in the morning to start our induction. I am excited and nervous. Im praying that it is as good of a day as it was with Maddie!

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