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Thursday, January 15, 2015

Haylee-7 months

In celebration of turning 7 months, you decided to test positive for the flu! :( We were shocked. Yet; true to form, our sweet attention-seeking Haylee was our first (and only child thus far) to get the yucky virus. Ha.....way to go, sister! In all seriousness, I was very afraid when I heard the news. But you handled it like a champ! You felt crummy but with the help of tamiflu, alternating fever meds every two hours AND lots of love-you beat it! 

At 7 months, you:

-wear mostly 9 month clothes
-size 3 diapers
-have been a great sleeper but getting the flu messed with your schedule a little
-eat 3 meals a day along with still nursing
-started puffs snacks
-working on sitting up unassisted but still need a little more time
-not even attempting to get up on your knees yet so I don't think crawling is soon 

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