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Monday, April 9, 2012

4 Years

Before I do Brooklyn's 1 year post, I need to hurry up and get Maddie's 4 year post in. She had her birthday on March 13th and on April 2nd I took her in for her 4 year well-check. Let me tell you, she is a tall skinny girl! She weighed 34 lbs. (50th%) and was 41 inches tall (75th %). Totally explains while all her jeans are big around the waist and too short! He looked her over and said she looked perfect! We talked about counting, coloring, how she plays and then he had her do a few things for him (i.e. hopping on one foot, walking on her toes and then her heels, etc..). It was a smooth trip and she even did pretty well when she had to get those dreaded shots....4 of them to be exact! Yikes. Luckily, she's done with immunizations until she's 12!

A few things bout you now that you are 4:

-transitioned into a booster seat
-love coloring and does very well at staying in the lines
-pretends and has imaginary friends
-jumps and does flips on your trampoline
-a big helper. You enjoy watering the flowers, dusting, and putting the clean silverware away.
-is very sassy and we fight a constant battle with you to control your mouth and to teach what's acceptable and what's not.
-loves animals and told me she wanted to be a doctor so you could take care of them
-trying to break your thumb sucking habit
-excited about turning 5 so you can go to school
-enjoys board games
-learning how to ride a bike with training wheels

And so much more!

I can hardly believe that 4 years have gone by since I became a mom! Maddie girl~ you are a perfect little girl and even though you are incredibly strong willed, I just wouldn't have it any other way. I know that you are going to do great things in life and Im so blessed to be able to be a part of that! Love you!

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