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Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter 2012

What a great weekend we have had! Jaime and I did some things around the house Saturday (i.e. mowing, painting in our kitchen, cleaning, etc...) and then he grilled BBQ chicken while I made salad, corn on the cob, fried squash and fruit. It was YUMMY and we all ate out on the back porch! Later that night, Maddie and I dyed some Easter eggs. Sunday morning we got up and headed to church. Of course, the girls matched and looked absolutely beautiful! And for the first time in years, I actually wore a dress. Im not sure how it looked on me but it certainly was super comfy! The rest of the day consisted of napping and doing some more cleaning. Tonight, we are heading to my parents house for steaks! Hope your Easter has been an amazing one too!

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