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Saturday, April 14, 2012

Celebrating our Brooklyn Hope

On April 11th, our baby girl turned one year old! Wow, what a quick and marvelous year it was too! This  girl of ours is such a joy and will forever be our perfect "baby" girl! She is sweet and funny with a gentle spirit, yet she knows how to assert herself and stand up to her big sister, already!

The day after her birthday, I took her to see Dr. Smith for her well check. Poor baby, she is much more sensitive than Maddie ever was at the doctor, and she cried from the moment they weighed her till they finished with all her shots and blood work! :( But she checked out perfectly. Here are some stats at one year:

-weighs 19 pounds 4 ounces (25th percentile) and is only in the 10th percentile for length. She is my short, compact girl!
-wears 9 month or 12 month clothing
-wears size 4 diaper
-WALKING and roaming everywhere
-since she is right about at the 20 pound mark, we went ahead and switched her to Maddie's old car seat once she moved to a booster. She looks so much more comfortable now that she is out of the baby carrier!
- eating table foods or graduate meals. She is a great eater and doesn't pass on much!
-no more formula or bottles. We transitioned to whole milk and she loves it. Once she finally got the hang of sippy cups a couple of months ago too, we never looked back!
-4 teeth on top and two on bottom
-goes to bed about 7:30 and will usually sleep till 7:00

Heading to church-Easter Sunday

Playing @ Dr. Smith's office-before the meltdown

We are a Ranger lovin' family!

Today, we had Brooklyn's 1st birthday party at my parents house! Family and friends came to help celebrate our baby girl! We had a blast at our "Easter/Spring" themed party. We had snacks, cake and punch that were all so yummy! Brooklyn had her very own cupcake and enjoyed the frosting and sprinkles! Then we opened presents (with the help of some bigger girls!) and enjoyed visiting with all our friends! Here are a few pictures from the party:

And in conclusion, here are just a few more random pictures of Brooklyn-particularly of her walking!

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