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Saturday, April 13, 2013

Easter 2013

Spring is in full bloom and Easter has already come and gone! What a great weekend we had!

It started on Good Friday when we went to church for a GF service. It was a powerful message put together as if we were at Christ's memorial service. Such a neat idea! We heard from Jesus' mother, Mary, along with other important people. In conclusion, on a red piece of paper we all wrote down things that we struggled to let go of, in our own personal life, and then one-by-one went to the front and nailed it onto a cross. The cross was covered in red and it was so emotional. Let us not forget that Jesus shed his blood on a cross and died for every single one of those sins and struggles!

By the time Sunday came, the weather was rough! We made it to church in enough time that we actually avoided the down pour. Others, were not so lucky.....yikes! The kids looked so cute in their new Easter outfits and had enjoyed a visit from the Easter bunny when they woke up earlier that morning. I don't like for their baskets to be "too made up". I think simpler is always better, especially when you remember that it's not what's most important on holidays such as these! All the kids had gotten new baskets and I thought they turned out so cute. Like I said, I like simple, and as candy-free as possible. So, the girls got: a few jelly bean filled eggs and each received a chocolate bunny. Then they each got a new thermos (Maddie-Tinkerbell and Brook-Minnie Mouse) and The Lorax book to share because they both love it. Easton nicely played along for his 1st Easter and he got: a chocolate carrot, jelly bean filled eggs, puffs and a new sippy cup I wanted to try out for him! :)

After church and naps, we went to Papaw and Nana's house for an egg hunt and Easter dinner! It was such a fun time!

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