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Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Terrible, I mean, Terrific Two's

Brooklyn finally got the memo that she's officially a two-year old now and we've had the "pleasure" of experiencing a few minor tantrums as of late. Seriously, they're not bad and ironically still cute in a weird way...but tantrums nontheless.

For instance, my favorite way to fix Brooklyn's hair is in pig tails. I can't help but take a picture everytime I do. This particular day though, she was not feeling photogenic and she was sure to let me know. She crossed her arms, pouted her lips and very clearly said "I don't want pictures. I in bad mood!" There's that great vocabulary she has again....creeping up to haunt me! Wow! Can you imagine the teen years?

Yesterday, Brooklyn wanted to jump but only if Maddie got OFF the trampoline. Maddie, reluctantly obliged and Brooklyn was happy as could be! I was able to snap a few cute pictures as she went around and around the edge of the trampoline. As soon as I stopped her though to pose directly at me, another adorable meltdown happened! This time, looking at me was more than she could handle and she just had to cry and cover her eyes! Haha!

And just because it's cute, here she is watching Monster's Inc with her sunglasses on! 

1 comment:

Caci said...

So cute and funny!