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Saturday, April 13, 2013

Brooklyn Turns 2!

My baby girl is officially a TWO year old-wow! Her birthday was this past Thursday and we had a fun time celebrating! Her party isn't until this next weekend, but I tried to do things just for her on her actual birthday. We had to start off the day with her 2 year WC, so after dropping Maddie and Easton off at Nana's house, we headed to see Dr. Smith. We sang the Doc McStuffin's song the whole way there! :) She had a great check-up (seriously, it was probably the easiest check-up ever for one of my kids) and Dr. Smith and his nurses had such a fun time with her. She was acting "extra" cute that day and we all got a few chuckles out of the visit! She's bumped up to 50th% on height and weight (33 inches and 26 pounds) and is doing great in all of her developments. Just like Maddie, Dr. Smith said that her vocabularly was above and beyond where most 2 year olds are (especially for a 2nd child) and he was quite impressed with the cute conversations he was able to have with her, himself!

After seeing the doctor, we went to Walmart where she was able to pick out some things she wanted. She got some new sunglasses, The Lorax movie and some pink cookies! We then picked up Sonic because she wanted french fries and chicken and went back to Nana's house. When we got home, they watched The Lorax and then went to bed for naps. My good friend (Aunt Mel) took half a day off from work, and came over to our house and played with both girls outside for quite a while. Then, later that night, we all enjoyed some birthday ice cream. I think Brooklyn had a great day because she crashed once it was time for bed! I am looking forward to her Minnie Mouse party next weekend!

In closing, here are a few facts about you right now:

-wearing 24m/2T bottoms and some 3T tops just so you have growing room
-size 5 or 6 shoe
-you've pottied several times in the potty but it's usually because it's our idea, not yours. Wearing size 4 diapers.
-holding conversations with people and saying complete sentences. You also repeat lots of things that you hear mommy and daddy say. Typically, we hear these expressions the most when you are angry with your sister and proceed to "get onto her"! :)
Things you can say are: I don't know, I can't remember, I want breakfast, I hungry, Where's______ (fill in the blank: Maddie, Easton, Daddy, Nana, etc....), see you soon, see you tomorrow, I love you, I want kiss and hug, and the list goes on and on. I will have to do a post all about the things you say and the conversations we have!
-You really enjoy introducing your family to other people. My favorite thing right now is when you tell people who your brother is. You always say "This my buddy boy" while pointing to him. Melt my heart....it's precious and you always get a good response from others when they hear it too!!
-love your sister and brother
-still a mama's girl
-love Minnie Mouse, Doc McStuffins and Sophia
-can actually count to 10 (but will only do it if it's your idea. when we ask, you refuse!). This has been yet another thing that has completely shocked me!
-VERY girlie! You love anything to do with dance, make-up and princesses. You also don't like to get your hands dirty and insist on having a napkin at every meal so that you can clean up!
-have the cutest little run, ever!
-extremely polite! If you say yes, we correct you, and you'll come back with saying yes mam(or sir). If we've done something for you, you always (without fail or encouragement on our part) say "thank you so much" and typically rub our face or our arm while you say it! It's precious!

Brooklyn-you are such a sweet heart and we love having you in our family as baby girl #2! We waited so long for you and you've proven to be well worth that wait! Love you baby girl!

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