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Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Spring Recital 2013

Maddie has loved her first year of tap and ballet at Dance-n-Drill! She's worked so hard these last several months and learned a lot! This past weekend was the annual Spring recital and we were all so anxious to see Maddie, along with the other kids, perform for their family and friends. The day started off pretty hectic. We were up early so I could fix Maddie's hair, makeup and get her dressed. This was my first experience as a "dance mom" and I knew that I wanted to spend the day as stress free as possible, so my cousin came over to watch the babies so I could just focus on and enjoy Maddie. We stopped at Brookeshires on the way so Jaime could get Maddie a bouquet of roses. On the way out of Whitehouse, I panicked when I realized I had forgotten Maddie's flower bow for her hair. We made a mad dash back to the house so I could grab it. In my attempts at locating her hair bow, I lost the safety pins I needed to pin her fairy wings on. I was a wreck and almost started crying because I was so on edge! Finally, we made it to the auditorium in just enough time for the doors to open (so we were there in plenty of time) with the flower in Maddie's hair and I was able to get safety pins from my mom. Nothing else to worry about!
Maddie sat with us for a while until it was time for her to go sit with her class. When I dropped her off, her eyes started to water like she was about to cry. She said she was cold and I could also tell that she was very nervous. The auditorium was packed and I knew that she was in complete "shut-down" mode. I encouraged her and told her that she was going to do great and a sweet volunteer dance mom gave her a sweater to put on her arms so that she could warm up. I went back to my seat and just prayed that the Lord would calm her fears and help her to have a good time.
The show started and all the classes were so cute. These little ladies worked so hard! When the curtains openend on Maddie's class, I got so excited seeing my big girl up on that stage. AND, she did great! Seriously, her class was so put together and Maddie didn't look nervous at all. I was extremely proud! After the show was over, we saw Maddie in the back of the auditorium jumping up and down and smiling as we made our way back to get her. She said she had so much fun and couldn't wait to do it again! :) Dance is over for the summer but she says she wants to keep dancing and also wants to play baseball! She's such a good mix of "girlie" and "athlete". I can't wait to see all the things that she trys as she grows!

Maddie with Railey. I babysat Railey as a baby and have watched her grow. Until just recently, we went to church with her and her family. Now, she babysits MY kids! Railey is also a Golden Girl at Dance-n-Drill and on the Whitehouse kick squad. Maddie was so excited to see her and I think that helped calm Maddie down. Railey helped her backstage and they took some pictures together!


After the show pictures with daddy and mommy AND Papaw and Nana. Forgive the quality but it was rough looking into the sun....thus the squinty pictures and the dancer in her grandfather's sunglasses! :)

Love my ballerina girl!

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