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Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Easton 8 months

My boy is well on his way to the one year mark and this mommy isn't too happy about that! Why must they grow so fast?! I continue to enjoy Easton on a daily basis and really do love watching him grow, despite the fact that I also love him being a baby! He's over 8 months old now and such a handsome guy. Seriously....he's just a good lookin' boy! He won't have his next well check until next month, but here are a few things about him as of late:

-probably 20-21 pounds, Im guessing. Yes....he's SOLID!
-wearing a range of clothes. Some 6-9 month things fit. He mostly wears 12 month though for the room. Rumor has it, he's worn an 18 month size shirt too, and it fit fine. :)
-still nursing and loving it. Mommy has to get put on some preventitive migraine meds soon though so Im trying to wean. I nurse him usually 3-4 times a day but am trying to cut out the middle feedings and do 2. Then go down from there. I still produce a good amount of milk and am trying to avoid another battle with mastitis. He has recently accepted formula in a bottle during the day as a good 2nd choice, so we are moving in the right direction. Ive been so grateful to nurse my babies for a good amount of time. I'll be sad when Im completely done. But Im also looking forward to less headaches, literally! :)
-eat 3 meals a day (stage 2 1/2 or 3 foods) and enjoying baby snacks (crackers, puffs, yogurt melts, etc...)
-naps well (unless his sisters are being too loud!) and takes a morning, afternoon, and early evening nap. I usually nurse him around 7:30 in the evening and by 8:30 or 9, he's typically down for the night, waking up again around 6:30 to nurse again.
-getting on his knees and rocking back and forth, but NOT crawling yet. This has been much different than the girls and Im learning to accept that he's just gonna do it when he's good and ready! He's the 3rd baby, a boy, very relaxed and has a big gut! All that combined, and I think that explains why he's in no rush to crawl! He has, however, mastered the art of rolling around to get from one place to the other! :)
-has very sensitive skin and I have to watch the kinds of bath soap and lotions I use. Have to use hydrocortisone cream at times to help with some eczema places.
-has two bottom teeth and working on 4 top ones.
-loves to splash during bath time
-learning to clap and will do it if he hears you say "yay"!
-making the da-da noise
-we just moved you to a new rear-facing seat. The carrier just wasn't cutting it anymore!
-loves laughing at your sisters and pulling their hair
-when you get excited, you start kicking your legs and moving your hands like your starting up a motorcycle. It's adorable!

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