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Monday, March 25, 2013

Great Friends

When I started work as a probation officer, I took over a gentleman's caseload as he moved on to a different unit. To make a very long story short, I got to know him and later on his wife. Over the past 4 years we've spent time investing in the relationship and so have they! It's been amazing to have another married couple in our life to be friends with. Not only that, I've become very close with his wife and she is like a sister to me! I just love her. I desire to have these kinds of people in my life-someone who reciprocates the effort to make time for one another and someone we can share life with. It's been a struggle for me over the past few years (and even more so over the past few months) when it comes to the "married couple" and "girl" friendships I have in my life. I don't have any sisters and all of my sisters-in-law live very far away. Obviously, outside of the Lord, my husband is my best friend and my kids are everything, but I've still felt a void personally as a married wife/mom. I believe that we were created to have community with other people and I love making relationships BUT also growing those relationships and not just letting them fall by the waist side. And call me selfish, but I would hope that the other person would desire the same thing with me. Nathan and Tiffany have been such a blessing to mine and Jaime's life. Recently, my sweet friend drove to my house to tell me personally that she was having a baby-something we had prayed over for them for such a long time! AND, it's a sweet little boy. Can't wait for him to get here!
We've had countless dinners together, they've watched our kids for us, came to Maddie's soccer games, birthday parties, and the list goes on and on. They are the epitomy of true friends and I am so, so grateful to have them in my life. For my 30th birthday, they gave me a list of 30 things that had to do with our friendship. It was SO sweet! They're the best!

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