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Saturday, March 2, 2013

Easton-6 months

It's so hard to believe that my little man is already over 6 months old! Doesn't it always go by so quickly? I enjoy each day that my children are in, but there is something so precious about that first year of life, and I often wished I could freeze time! Easton, you are such a sweet, sweet boy and you have a very special place in this family! You are quite the ladies' man and everywhere we go, Im constantly stopped, so that people can take a closer look at you! From the moment you were born, the nurses oohed and aahed over you and just the other day, at your 6 month well check, I could hear the lady nurses talking about you from outside of the room! :) You are such a stud and we often say you are just "too pretty to be a boy"! I never knew having a baby boy could be so wonderful and I am so glad you belong to me! Here are a few recent stats about you:

-weigh 19 lbs 1 oz(75th %) and 27 inches long(52%) with a pretty large head!
-wearing some 6 month things but 9 month has much more growing room. You even wear one 12 month outfit!
-in size 3 diapers, one size under your sister!
-sit up well when propped and pretty close to sitting up all by yourself, soon I think!
-getting some light hair on your head but still pretty bald!
-showing signs of teething but nothing official yet
-rolling around and when on your tummy, will turn yourself around!
-not crawling or even getting up on your knees yet. You've gotta learn to lift up that belly first!!
-LOVES playing in your exersaucer and can spin yourself around quickly!
-eating 3 meals a day in your highchair and still nursing about every 3-4 hours!
-sleeping from about 9-6 on most nights. Occasionally, you will wake up once but go right back down after nursing!
-we lowered your crib mattress down to the next section!
-grabbing hold of everything (toys, hair, earrings, drinks, phones, remotes). If you see it, you want it!
-you are rough, constantly banging your toys down and laughing. I can tell you are "all-boy"!
-love giggling at your sisters and babbling at them!
-don't have many fat rolls but are a SOLID boy and definetely built like your dad!
-love your bath and enjoy splashing the water!

A few recent pictures of you:

1 comment:

The Gentry's said...

No way is he already 6 months!?! Too fast! He is so precious:)