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Thursday, March 21, 2013

Maddie's 5th Birthday!

Madison Elizabeth is now officially a 5 year old!

In preparation for the big day, I asked her what she wanted to do. She quickly told me that she wanted a rainbow party at the "Sonic she could play at"! So that's exactly what the girl got! My cousin, as always, created some cute invites and made both the girls some rainbow shirts to wear! I prayed that the weather would be good for her party since all she wanted to do was run around and play outside. It ended up being a little cool and windy, but NO rain and nothing we couldn't all handle! Maddie had such a great time and got lots of fun things. She had family, a few church friends, and her best friend from dance class show up to help her celebrate! I think it was a big success!

The 13th was her actual birthday,and we spent the day playing at the park and getting "blue-sprites" from Sonic. That night, Papaw (who couldn't be at the party) came over for her special birthday dinner and a few more presents. She had requested:

fried chicken with honey
string cheese
carrots and ranch
chocolate chip cookies

And that's exactly what she got!
She also got to go bowling with Uncle Alan and Erica! The fun never seemed to stop for this sweet girl! So glad that we've had the past five years to watch her grow into a little lady and we look forward to all the other fun things to come!

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