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Thursday, April 3, 2014

Third Trimester

Bring on the 3rd trimester! I can't believe its here! This is what's been going on lately:

-I'm sore and achy in my pelvis. It finally popped for the first time yesterday. That's the norm for me and my pregnancies.
-I've gained about 23 pounds and still wearing mostly small maternity clothes.
-I have plenty of Braxton hicks contractions
-Not sleeping well and still feeling hungry frequently
-Had my one hour glucose test and sonogram today. Showed that her head is down and she's in the 85th % for size-weighing about 3 lbs 10 oz right now. A good size baby!
-LOTS of baby move my and I'm grateful for each punch, kick or roll.

We can't wait to meet you! I continue to pray for the remainder if this pregnancy and for a safe delivery for us both. We love you so much, already!

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