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Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Maddie's Big News (Times Two!)

A few days ago, Maddie ran in from school with big news-she lost her first tooth! Thanks to a healthy apple at lunch, her first tooth came right on out; and we didn't even know it was loose! She was even more excited about the dollar she found under her pillow the next morning!

On a serious note, our big girl came to us Saturday evening and told us that the night before, she had asked Jesus into her heart! For several months now, she's been passionate for Jesus and asking questions almost on a daily basis. Easter did a lot for her since she came into the Good Friday service with us at church. She saw an advertisement on TV for The Passion movie and begged us to watch it so she could learn more. We told her it was an intense movie and we didn't feel like she was quite old enough but we would let her view him on the cross, possibly. We talked about the things done to Jesus, though, and why. Considering she's only 6, she understands the basics for sure. She knows what sin is and she knows why Jesus had to die. She also knows He rose! She was so excited to tell us about her prayer and we were excited too! She still has questions and we told her that we would continue to work through those with the help of Pastor and Mrs. Jodie (the children's minister) at church. Hopefully soon, her next step will be to come forward at church and be presented for baptism. We are thrilled at Maddie's decision and its been fun as a parent to see her excitement. We are so proud of her!!!

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