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Wednesday, April 16, 2014

3 year well-check

On Monday, I took Brooklyn in for her 3 year well-check. She's growing up right before our eyes and she has the best personality. EVERYONE loves our little Brooklyn! Here are a few facts about you at three:

-weighs 28 lbs (25th%) and 50th% on height
-completely potty trained and has been for a while
-great vocabulary thanks to big sister
-enjoys dress up, make up, anything with a princess (especially Frozen right now), swinging and attempting to ride her new bike
-not near as coordinated as Maddie. You are not the athletic type, right now! You constantly walk on your toes and walk pretty slow! It's cute, though!
-love playing games. Your favorite is UNO and you play it with sister and daddy several times a week.
-ready to start dance in the Fall
-need your beauty sleep! You are grouchy if you don't get it!
-an absolute sweetheart. Seriously, you are SO cute!!!

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