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Saturday, April 12, 2014

Happy 3rd birthday, Brooklyn

Yesterday was Brooklyn's birthday! That little girl that we prayed so hard over when she was in my belly; is now a beautiful 3 year old! We love her to pieces! Her official party is next Friday but that didn't stop us from having lots of fun yesterday!
My cousin brought her a cupcake during the day and when daddy got home from work, we headed out to go get her birthday present. She had been asking for a princess bike and we delivered! She looked precious and her dad has been helping her practice using the pedals. After we shopped, we went to my parents house for a family dinner. Uncle Alan and Aunt Erica went ahead and gave her their presents. Pretty sure he bought every Hello Kitty item Toys R Us had to offer. She was in heaven! We spent a lot of time playing and after baths, Jaime and I found her passed out on her bed. She was a tired birthday girl!

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