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Monday, April 21, 2014

Easter 2014

Saturday morning was the Easter Eggstravaganza at church which was a really fun time. Brooklyn and Easton hunted at one time, while Maddie hunted at another, so I wasn't running around like crazy! We also had a great time with bouncy slides, cotton candy and popcorn!

Of course, Easter morning, the Easter bunny came which always makes the kids so excited. He doesn't usually leave a lot of candy, either! :) We then got ready for brunch and worship at church. It was a fabulous service and I continue to be grateful for the church family that we now have! Maddie has been asking a lot of questions lately too so I'm anxious to see how The Lord continues to reveal Himself to her! I'm praying for that day that she makes the decision to accept Him into her heart!

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