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Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Maddie's Big News (Times Two!)

A few days ago, Maddie ran in from school with big news-she lost her first tooth! Thanks to a healthy apple at lunch, her first tooth came right on out; and we didn't even know it was loose! She was even more excited about the dollar she found under her pillow the next morning!

On a serious note, our big girl came to us Saturday evening and told us that the night before, she had asked Jesus into her heart! For several months now, she's been passionate for Jesus and asking questions almost on a daily basis. Easter did a lot for her since she came into the Good Friday service with us at church. She saw an advertisement on TV for The Passion movie and begged us to watch it so she could learn more. We told her it was an intense movie and we didn't feel like she was quite old enough but we would let her view him on the cross, possibly. We talked about the things done to Jesus, though, and why. Considering she's only 6, she understands the basics for sure. She knows what sin is and she knows why Jesus had to die. She also knows He rose! She was so excited to tell us about her prayer and we were excited too! She still has questions and we told her that we would continue to work through those with the help of Pastor and Mrs. Jodie (the children's minister) at church. Hopefully soon, her next step will be to come forward at church and be presented for baptism. We are thrilled at Maddie's decision and its been fun as a parent to see her excitement. We are so proud of her!!!


The girls got identical Sophia shirts in their Easter baskets!

2nd Year Dance Recital

This past Saturday was Maddie's dance recital. Her class worked so hard and their "Sweet Treat Ballet" looked precious. Our babysitter watched Easton and Brooklyn came with us. She had so much fun and is looking forward to starting dance in the Fall! Maddie had a great audience and we were all so proud!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Dress Rehearsal

Last week, daddy took our dancer over to Caldwell for her dress rehearsal. He snapped a few pictures for me so I could catch a glimpse of how this Saturday is going to look. Can't wait to attend her 2nd dance recital!

Monday, April 21, 2014

Easter 2014

Saturday morning was the Easter Eggstravaganza at church which was a really fun time. Brooklyn and Easton hunted at one time, while Maddie hunted at another, so I wasn't running around like crazy! We also had a great time with bouncy slides, cotton candy and popcorn!

Of course, Easter morning, the Easter bunny came which always makes the kids so excited. He doesn't usually leave a lot of candy, either! :) We then got ready for brunch and worship at church. It was a fabulous service and I continue to be grateful for the church family that we now have! Maddie has been asking a lot of questions lately too so I'm anxious to see how The Lord continues to reveal Himself to her! I'm praying for that day that she makes the decision to accept Him into her heart!

Hello Kitty Party

I'm not sure where the fascination for Hello Kitty comes from, but somehow it took hold of my little 3 year old and she requested that for her party! The month of April is so busy for us that we had to squeeze a small party for Brooklyn into the schedule. We ended up doing it right before our Good Friday service at church. Family and about two friends came. Sweet and simple! Brooklyn had a blast!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

3 year well-check

On Monday, I took Brooklyn in for her 3 year well-check. She's growing up right before our eyes and she has the best personality. EVERYONE loves our little Brooklyn! Here are a few facts about you at three:

-weighs 28 lbs (25th%) and 50th% on height
-completely potty trained and has been for a while
-great vocabulary thanks to big sister
-enjoys dress up, make up, anything with a princess (especially Frozen right now), swinging and attempting to ride her new bike
-not near as coordinated as Maddie. You are not the athletic type, right now! You constantly walk on your toes and walk pretty slow! It's cute, though!
-love playing games. Your favorite is UNO and you play it with sister and daddy several times a week.
-ready to start dance in the Fall
-need your beauty sleep! You are grouchy if you don't get it!
-an absolute sweetheart. Seriously, you are SO cute!!!

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Happy 3rd birthday, Brooklyn

Yesterday was Brooklyn's birthday! That little girl that we prayed so hard over when she was in my belly; is now a beautiful 3 year old! We love her to pieces! Her official party is next Friday but that didn't stop us from having lots of fun yesterday!
My cousin brought her a cupcake during the day and when daddy got home from work, we headed out to go get her birthday present. She had been asking for a princess bike and we delivered! She looked precious and her dad has been helping her practice using the pedals. After we shopped, we went to my parents house for a family dinner. Uncle Alan and Aunt Erica went ahead and gave her their presents. Pretty sure he bought every Hello Kitty item Toys R Us had to offer. She was in heaven! We spent a lot of time playing and after baths, Jaime and I found her passed out on her bed. She was a tired birthday girl!

Official Dance Picture

My beautiful daughter! Here is her 2nd year dance photo!

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Third Trimester

Bring on the 3rd trimester! I can't believe its here! This is what's been going on lately:

-I'm sore and achy in my pelvis. It finally popped for the first time yesterday. That's the norm for me and my pregnancies.
-I've gained about 23 pounds and still wearing mostly small maternity clothes.
-I have plenty of Braxton hicks contractions
-Not sleeping well and still feeling hungry frequently
-Had my one hour glucose test and sonogram today. Showed that her head is down and she's in the 85th % for size-weighing about 3 lbs 10 oz right now. A good size baby!
-LOTS of baby move my and I'm grateful for each punch, kick or roll.

We can't wait to meet you! I continue to pray for the remainder if this pregnancy and for a safe delivery for us both. We love you so much, already!

Easton's 1st Haircut

We took Easton to get his first big boy haircut. He didn't have enough to get the style I wanted for him; but he still had plenty to get a trim all the way around! She said that getting a cut would encourage his hair to continue filling in, too. He looks so handsome but I admit, it was sad saying goodbye to the few baby curls he had in the back.