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Saturday, December 14, 2013

Easton-16 months

Time continues to fly by and Easton is already 16 months old-wow! You continue to be quite the chunk and won't turn down much when it comes to food. You mostly wear 24 month clothing but at times can still get by with an 18 month outfit. You take 2 naps and go to bed for the night at about 6:30-7. Yep, a great sleeper and all i have to say is "lets go night-night" and you walk with me back to your room. Easton, you really have such an easy-going personality which is very welcomed in this house! You are often bossed around by your sisters and don't know what to do other than smile about it and go right along with them! I'm a little nervous because you have become a little climber so I really have to keep my eye on you! For now, everyone is being called dada, though you can say many other things. 

Love you more and more with each passing day, buddy boy!

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