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Friday, December 27, 2013

Christmas 2013

At 4:45 am, Jaime and I woke up to an excited girl excitedly yelling "Santa's been here and we got a swing set"! I knew at that point, it was going to be a long day! :)

The kids did really well, even Easton (who  we had to wake up), for it being so early. They were obviously ready to open presents! 
They did in fact get a wooden swing set, but that was actually thanks to grandpa and grandma Crouse!
Maddie got: a bean bag, her first Bible, clothes, Barbie beach house, barbie stuff, a Wii game, a movie, board games, a scooter, etc...
Brooklyn got: a bean bag, a movie, Sophia stuff, Doc McStuffins dress-up, clothes, Barbie stuff, the Barbie beach house, princess magi clip stuff (great idea Amy!), etc...
Easton got: an alphabet floor mat, a movie, clothes, bubble lawn mower, giraffe back pack, chatter telephone, cars, etc...
Next year, we've swore, we're going to scale back! My goodness, between Santa and all the things they get from family, its always TOO much! Spoiled, I tell ya...
After presents, we ate breakfast and let Easton nap. About 10, we went back to my parents to celebrate there. We played games, ate lunch and relaxed the rest of the day. Before bed, we enjoyed our Happy Birthday Jesus cake! What a great Christmas it's been!

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