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Saturday, December 14, 2013

Brooklyn Update

Blah...my camera is broke so all my pics are phone pics these days!


Brooklyn is quickly moving towards that 3 year mark and still surprises me with a lot of things. She speaks so well and knows a lot of advanced words and phrases. I think we have her big sister to thank for that! ;) 
She's very into school things because of Maddie and enjoys doing her "homework" and wearing her back-pack when she goes to Sunday School. 
You are potty trained...praise Jesus! We wear a pull-up at night but panties during nap time and we've even reached the point where I allow her to wear panties when we leave the house! Yay!
You are my pint-sized child. People call you a nugget and you can still have a baby-look to you at times even though you very much act like a big girl. Our conversations with you are SO funny and I'll have to write a separate post just to include them all!
You are a mama's girl and continue to be pretty shy. You are not the take-charge type and once you find a toy you like, you are locked in and will stay quiet for a while.
You don't have a single athletic bone in your body!!! You are girly as the day is long.

We love you so much, Brooklyn Hope! You are a sweetheart and we are so grateful for our baby girl!

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