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Friday, November 29, 2013

Thanksgiving 2013

Thanksgiving was so relaxing this year! Josh and Julie went to see her family in Houston. Alan had to work so Erica went to see her family as well. So it was just the Crouse crew that headed over to my parents house. Along with Mawmaw and pawpaw, we all had a peaceful day.
We started off the day at our house with chocolate chip pancakes and the Macy's parade! We got to my parents a little after lunch and I helped cook while the girls quietly played, Easton took a great nap, and Jaime watched football with my dad. No one was rushed and everyone was able to lay around and be lazy if they wanted!
We ate dinner around 5 and it was delicious. We all sat at the dining room table which the girls loved, since they usually sit at the kid table! It was a fabulous day!

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