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Sunday, November 10, 2013

Jumpin' Jacks

On Saturday, the kids and I headed to a birthday party for one of our friends. Their little girl was turning 3 and had her party at Jumpin' Jacks. I had never been but it was a really neat experience and Maddie has already requested her party to be there too. 

AND, as a side note.....who in their right mind would pay over $500 to secure the mega party package they offer?! Seriously....that's ridiculous! In looking at what they offered, I decided we will probably do the smaller package for Maddie in March, but even THAT is pushing it. Holy cow, people!

Ok, back to reality now: :)

The party was a lot of fun but wore this mama out!! I'm not firing on all cylinders these days and I was man-ing it alone since Jaime was coaching a tourney. Thank goodness for afternoon naps!

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