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Monday, November 4, 2013

An Announcement

A few weeks ago, I suspected I was probably pregnant but with Jaime in the hospital; I was just a little busy! When he got home, I finally got around to testing and it confirmed what I pretty much already knew! We were thrilled, but cautious, since my risk of miscarrying seems to be pretty high. I waited a few days before I called my doctor and kept things mostly to ourselves. I knew that I could get in for an early viability sono at about 6 1/2 weeks, so we set that up and continued to wait. In the meantime, I've been super nauseated and grateful, because that's usually a good sign! Today, at 6 weeks and 6 days, we went to our appt and saw a fabulous heartbeat! The baby measured exactly 6 weeks and 6 days! We were so happy! Looks like this little one will be set to make his or her appearance sometime in June and we can't wait! Thank you Lord for such a special gift!

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