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Monday, November 18, 2013

Ladies Night: Christmas in November

I SO enjoyed my first ever ladies night at Central! Jaime was able to stay home with the kids while I went out and enjoyed myself. I had been asked to be a guest at my good friend, Shanna's table. She did a great job decorating her center piece....it was so cute, and had decorated ornaments with our names on it so we knew where to sit! All tables were decorated differently and I loved the Christmas atmosphere!

We started off the night by eating a nice dinner. Then we saw a demonstration on how to decorate your tables at home for the holidays. We also heard a lovely lady speak on how to make Christmas more about Christ. It was wonderful! We finished off the night with door prizes and mingling! When I got home, the kids were in bed, dishes done and laundry folded. What a fabulous night!

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