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Tuesday, August 27, 2013

One Year Well-Check

After dropping Madz off at school, we headed to Dr.Smith's office for Easton's 1 year check-up! Things went smoothly and we were in and out before I knew it. Here's a little catch-up info on our sweet and growing boy:

-weighs 22lbs 8oz (75th%) and 31 inches long (80th%)
-wearing 12/18 month clothing
-walking all over the place
-mouth full of teeth. Still waiting on 1 year molars
- eating all table food and drinking whole milk out of sippy cups
-saying mama, dada, ba(ball) and poopoo....yep, he's all boy!
-takes 2 naps a day and sleeps well at night. Usually goes to bed between 7:30-8 and wakes around 7am
-LOVES playing with balls. He has a great arm and throws balls around regularly. He will even sit with his legs spread and let you roll a ball to him. He will then throw it back! (Baseball player in the making maybe....?!)
-enjoys bath time with Brooklyn
-loves both his big sisters
-does not like sudden loud noises. Scares him to death! Not sure about Papaw's tractor either!!!
-experiencing some separation anxiety
-equally a mama AND daddy's boy, right now
-sweet as can be. Seriously, I could have a 100 more babies like him. He's been the best!

Easton James, I can't believe my baby boy is already 1. We love you so much and you've brought so much joy into this family. I can't wait to watch you continue to grow! Just not TOO fast.... ;)

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