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Sunday, August 18, 2013

First Time

At the end of last week, Easton got sick for the first time. He's had a few sniffles here and there, or fever with teething, but no real sickness to speak of. He's been so healthy so when he woke up Saturday morning with 102 temp, I knew something was up. I took him to the clinic on South Broadway. He never cried for the doctor and all the nurses called him the Gerber baby and gushed over how sweet he was! (It's totally true-he is SO sweet!) The doctor put him on an antibiotic and said it looked like he was in the early stages of an upper respiratory infection. So glad we caught it early! He spent the rest of the day wanting to be held and sleeping a lot. We alternated Tylenol/Motrin and this morning he woke up fever free! Grateful that he is healing so quickly and should be ready for his sports birthday party on Saturday!
I just love this little guy!!!

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