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Wednesday, August 28, 2013


Maddie's school is literally two minutes from our house (which I love), but after school pick up can be crazy, so we leave early to find our place in line. It's only day 3 so we are all still adjusting to our new routine. Traffic may calm down once the first week is over, but even if it doesn't, I will still find myself having to wake up Brooklyn and Easton so that we can leave to get their sister. Yesterday, I picked each one up out of their beds, still asleep, and placed them in the car that had been cooling off. Neither of them wearing any pants!! Waiting in line is not their favorite thing to do but we make the most of it with veggie tales music, games, and counting the yellow school buses. Here are two pictures of Brooklyn from yesterday. I finally got her to crack a smile! :)

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

One Year Well-Check

After dropping Madz off at school, we headed to Dr.Smith's office for Easton's 1 year check-up! Things went smoothly and we were in and out before I knew it. Here's a little catch-up info on our sweet and growing boy:

-weighs 22lbs 8oz (75th%) and 31 inches long (80th%)
-wearing 12/18 month clothing
-walking all over the place
-mouth full of teeth. Still waiting on 1 year molars
- eating all table food and drinking whole milk out of sippy cups
-saying mama, dada, ba(ball) and poopoo....yep, he's all boy!
-takes 2 naps a day and sleeps well at night. Usually goes to bed between 7:30-8 and wakes around 7am
-LOVES playing with balls. He has a great arm and throws balls around regularly. He will even sit with his legs spread and let you roll a ball to him. He will then throw it back! (Baseball player in the making maybe....?!)
-enjoys bath time with Brooklyn
-loves both his big sisters
-does not like sudden loud noises. Scares him to death! Not sure about Papaw's tractor either!!!
-experiencing some separation anxiety
-equally a mama AND daddy's boy, right now
-sweet as can be. Seriously, I could have a 100 more babies like him. He's been the best!

Easton James, I can't believe my baby boy is already 1. We love you so much and you've brought so much joy into this family. I can't wait to watch you continue to grow! Just not TOO fast.... ;)

Monday, August 26, 2013


I'm just so lucky to be their mom! Such beautiful and wonderful kiddos! Love, love, love them!!!!!


We got out of the house while Maddie was at school. First, we shopped at Dillards and then we enjoyed lunch at Mooyahs! I enjoyed my day with the smallest Crouse kids!

First Day!!

Today was the first day of Kindergarten for our Maddie girl (insert GASP here!) and things went really well! I spent last night setting out everyone's clothes, filling out last minute paperwork and making sure her backpack was in order! I was exhausted but couldn't sleep and neither could Maddie. She was nervous and, though she went to bed early, she didn't fall asleep till late. She told us she was "just thinking about school"! :) I finally fell asleep only to wake up at 4:30 (and stay up....blah). At 6, Jaime's alarm went off and I tip-toed into the girls room and woke up Maddie. She laid in the chair for a few minutes but once her breakfast was ready, she perked up and started going through the morning routine. We woke the babies up at a later time and by 7:20, everyone was ready to go! We left early this morning because traffic can be nuts. We parked and walked Maddie into her class. We did a few "parent" things, took pictures and gave hugs/kisses. She didn't cling to us but went right to it. I was grateful! When we got back home, Jaime left for work and I fed breakfast to Easton who still hadn't eaten. Yes....my eyes watered a few times and I felt "out of sorts" for most of the day. I stayed busy though and thought of her often! We left early for pick-up too. By the time school released and our car slowly moved up to the front, I was more than ready to see my girl! I heard them call for Madison Crouse and sure enough, out she came and a teacher helped her into our car! We were all so glad to see her and enjoyed listening to her stories for the next few hours! She had a great day! Now, everyone is fed, cleaned and things are once again laid out for tomorrow. We will rise and shine early, make my big girl her lunch for school and start the day all over!

Easton's Party

On Saturday, we celebrated our boy's 1st birthday with the cutest little baseball party, ever!! Our family and dearest friends came to help us honor our sweet guy and it was so much fun!

Meet the Teacher

This past Thursday was MTT for Whitehouse school district. Maddie (and her parents) were so anxious to see who her teacher would be!! We gathered up her big bag full of school supplies and headed to Cain Elementary. Before even heading to her classroom, we discovered that Maddie's best friend from dance would be in her class! She squealed with excitement and us moms were pretty happy too! We finally headed back to the Kindergarten hall together and met her teacher, Mrs. Meisenheimer (or Mrs. M.). She's a young lady and seems very sweet! We saw Maddie's seat, cubby, filled out paperwork, dropped off supplies and dud all our last minute things before school starts on Monday! Can't believe it's almost here.....

Sunday, August 18, 2013

First Time

At the end of last week, Easton got sick for the first time. He's had a few sniffles here and there, or fever with teething, but no real sickness to speak of. He's been so healthy so when he woke up Saturday morning with 102 temp, I knew something was up. I took him to the clinic on South Broadway. He never cried for the doctor and all the nurses called him the Gerber baby and gushed over how sweet he was! (It's totally true-he is SO sweet!) The doctor put him on an antibiotic and said it looked like he was in the early stages of an upper respiratory infection. So glad we caught it early! He spent the rest of the day wanting to be held and sleeping a lot. We alternated Tylenol/Motrin and this morning he woke up fever free! Grateful that he is healing so quickly and should be ready for his sports birthday party on Saturday!
I just love this little guy!!!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Happy Birthday Easton

The day has finally come and my sweet boy is a one year old! I can't help but remember this day last year. You were my earliest and biggest baby (8lbs 10oz) and our first boy! I uncomfortably went to my doctors appointment that morning only to be sent straight to the hospital because you were on the way! Daddy and I couldn't wait to meet you and, like always, my labor and delivery was pretty quick! So we didn't have to wait long! I cried as soon as I saw you and your sisters were thrilled to meet their little brother!

Having a little boy this past year has been so much fun for us. I look forward to watching you grow and experiencing all the special moments of having a son! I'm anxious for your birthday party in a few weeks so we can shower you with even more love!
Happy birthday buddy-boy! We love you so much!

Friday, August 9, 2013

Some Pictures

Not much caption, just some fun phone pictures of mine that have been taken through out our summer!