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Tuesday, December 31, 2013

It's a...

Looks like our family will be completed with the addition of another precious girl! I must say, I had suspected for several weeks now, that this baby would be a little sister. I felt so good with Easton and have just felt awful this time around. BUT, despite the tiredness and sickness, our little girl looks great so far and we are beyond excited!!

Meet Haylee Grace Crouse

Friday, December 27, 2013

Christmas 2013

At 4:45 am, Jaime and I woke up to an excited girl excitedly yelling "Santa's been here and we got a swing set"! I knew at that point, it was going to be a long day! :)

The kids did really well, even Easton (who  we had to wake up), for it being so early. They were obviously ready to open presents! 
They did in fact get a wooden swing set, but that was actually thanks to grandpa and grandma Crouse!
Maddie got: a bean bag, her first Bible, clothes, Barbie beach house, barbie stuff, a Wii game, a movie, board games, a scooter, etc...
Brooklyn got: a bean bag, a movie, Sophia stuff, Doc McStuffins dress-up, clothes, Barbie stuff, the Barbie beach house, princess magi clip stuff (great idea Amy!), etc...
Easton got: an alphabet floor mat, a movie, clothes, bubble lawn mower, giraffe back pack, chatter telephone, cars, etc...
Next year, we've swore, we're going to scale back! My goodness, between Santa and all the things they get from family, its always TOO much! Spoiled, I tell ya...
After presents, we ate breakfast and let Easton nap. About 10, we went back to my parents to celebrate there. We played games, ate lunch and relaxed the rest of the day. Before bed, we enjoyed our Happy Birthday Jesus cake! What a great Christmas it's been!

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Christmas Eve 2013

My brother and his family came to town for the holidays so we all went to my parents house for a nice Christmas Eve dinner! Mom made a great meal, as always, and dad spent the entire day baking sweets for us to enjoy! We ate early so that we could get back to our house at a decent time and prepare for Santa!
We put some cookies in the oven and quickly bathed the kids. Daddy read the Bible story and 'Twas the Night Before Christmas while I read How the Grinch Stole Christmas( the book we also sign every year)! Easton mostly did his own thing but the girls really enjoyed listening!
After enjoying a cookie themselves, we shoved the kids off to bed and we watched The Nativity Story-my favorite!

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Christmas with Aunt Mel

As always, the kids enjoyed their Christmas from Aunt Mel. She came over last night and we all exchanged gifts. Jaime grilled us hamburgers and we had a great time!

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Class Picture

Maddie's kindergarten class with her wonderful teacher, Mrs. M.


Every year, we pick out a new Hallmark ornament. This year, we wanted something to symbolize our first child starting school!

Busy week & Christmas party

My week has been fast and furious! It's consisted of: cleaning, lots of Christmas shopping, visiting a friend and her new baby at the hospital and going to Maddie's Christmas party! It was this morning at school and she was so excited to see me show up. Daddy surprised us both by showing up too!! She enjoyed a Christmas breakfast, made a craft and did a puzzle gift exchange! 

Lyndy and Maddie-always together, whether it be at dance or school!

Tonight consists of Christmas with Aunt Mel while tomorrow I have a doctors appt (where we hope to hear a great heartbeat) and early release at 1:00! Whew!